
Glucotru Ingredients

Glucosamine is an amino-sugar compound and the most abundant monosaccharide in living organisms. It has been used extensively in the last two decades due to the fact that it is attributed to beneficial properties in joint pathologies. What is glucosamine for? In humans, glucosamine has been shown to decrease the production of certain enzymes and inflammatory markers in the synovial cells of patients with Osteoarthritis. Glucosamine is an essential part of the cartilage component and other joint elements. The endogenous or proper production of glucosamine seems to be no less in patients with Arthritis. Nor has it been shown that orally administered glucosamine markedly improves pain or inflammation. The results of the studies have been very controversial. What is chondroitin for? Chondroitin is the largest component of the extracellular matrix of many tissues: ligaments, joints, tendons and bones. They have an anti-inflammatory effect in certain tissues and decrease the prod...

What does the treatment consist of?

  Hearing loss or hearing loss can affect people of all ages. However, each case must be treated individually, since  hearing loss is measured at different levels, depending on its degree . Today we tell you how hearing loss is evaluated and what degrees of hearing loss exist. Hearing loss is one of the most common chronic health problems. Its incidence increases with age, although it can also affect the young population. In fact, it is estimated that  one in 1,000 people under the age of 18 suffer from hearing loss.  It is important to know that  hearing loss does not only appear from hereditary causes . It can also be the result of disease or trauma. In addition, prolonged consumption of certain medications or exposure to noise could also cause injuries, leading to loss of hearing. For this reason, when evaluating a hearing loss, the examination begins by locating the site of the lesion. Based on this, it will be clas...